Élisabeth Vonarburg

Élisabeth Vonarburg is a French-born Canadian teacher, editor, critic and author. She was fiction editor 1979-1990 and editor 1983-1985 of Solaris, the world’s oldest-established French-language sf magazine.

Here’s a list of Vonarburg’s speculative fiction novels and collections available in English.





The Silent City (Silent City #1)(Denoel, 1981)


translated by Jane Brierley

Porcépic, 1988



The Maerlande Chronicles (In the Mother’s Land)(Silent City #2) (Québec/Amerique, 1992)


translated by Jane Brierley

Bantam, 1992



Dreams of the Sea (Tyranaël #1) (Editions Alire, 1996)


translated by Howard Scott and Élisabeth Vonarburg

Tesseract Books, 2003



A Game of Perfection (Tyranaël #2) (Editions Alire, 1996)


translated by Howard Scott and Élisabeth Vonarburg

Edge SF & F, 2006



Reluctant Voyagers (Québec/Amerique, 1992)


translated by Jane Brierley

Bantam, 1995



Slow Engines of Time(Tesseract Books, 2002) [collection]

translated by the author and Jane Brierley

includes “Band Ohne Ende” (1994), “In the Pit” (1983), “Janus” (1995), “…Stay Thy Flight” (1992), “Home by the Sea” (1985), “The Knot” (1993), “The Slow Engine of Time” (1984), “Chambered Nautilus” (1992)



Blood Out of a Stone (Nanopress, 2009) [collection]

includes: “The Beginning of the Circle,” translated by Howard Scott and the author; “Blood Out of a Stone,” translated by Howard Scott and the author; “Eon,” translated by Howard Scott and the author; “The Museum of Impermanence,” translated by Clélie Rich and the author; “Pas de deux,” translated by Howard Scott and the author; “The PoliGloti,” translated by the author and Allan Weiss; “To Die, a Little,” translated by Howard Scott and the author; “With Open Eyes,” translated by Howard Scott and the author

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