“The Biological Truth” by Veikko Rekunen, translated by ? (Terra SF II, 1983).
“The Pearl” by Jyrki Vainonen, translated by Hildi Hawkins (Books from Finland, 1999).
“The Light Ones” by Mari Saario, translated by Liisa Rantalaiho (Creatures of Glass and Light, 2007).
“Wagtail” by Marketta Niemelä, translated by Liisa Rantalaiho (Usva International, 2010).
“My Creator, My Creation” by Tiina Raevaara, translated by Hildi Hawkins & Soila Lehtonen (Books from Finland, 2010)
“Elegy for a Young Elk” by Hannu Rajaniemi, translated by the author (Subterranean Online, Spring 2010).
“The Dying Embers” by Inkeri Kontro, translated by the author (Strange Horizons, 2014).
“Fairyland” by Magdalena Hai, translated by J. Robert Tupasela (Finnish Weird #4, 2017).
Excerpt from The Monkey and the New Moon by Viivi Hyvönen, translated by the author (Finnish Weird #4, 2017).
“Wither and Blossom” by Suvi Kauppila, translated by the author (Samovar Magazine, 2017).
“Forever, As Always” by J. S. Meresmaa, translated by J. Robert Tupasela (Finnish Weird #4, 2017).
“Children of the Endless Sea” by Suvi Kauppila, translated by the author (Samovar Magazine, 2018).