Finnish SFT: Vainonen, Lindstedt, Sammelkorpi

The Explorer and Other Stories by Jyrki Vainonen, translated by Juha Tupasela, Anna Volmari, and Hildi Hawkins (Cheeky Frawg Books, 2013).

stories included:

“The Explorer” (also included in The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy)
“Blueberries” (also included in The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy)
“The Aquarium”
“The Pearl”
“The Garden” (also included in It Came From the North: An Anthology of Finnish Speculative Fiction)
“The Library”
“The Refrigerator”

“Although nothing overtly unnatural occurs in ‘Blueberries,’ sheer synchronicity propels the odd discovery made by a hermit-like man as he is out in a field picking fruit. Likewise, ‘The Aquarium’ holds forth nothing precisely supernatural, but the descent into madness of the female protagonist and the manifestations of her paranoid jealousy assume titanic weirdness.”- from Paul Di Filippo’s review in Locus


Oneiron by Laura Lindstedt, translated by Owen Witesman (Oneworld Publications, 2018).

Seven women meet in a white, undefined space seconds after their deaths.

Time, as we understand it, has ceased to exist, and all bodily sensations have disappeared. None of the women can remember what happened to them, where they are, or how they got there. They don’t know each other. In turn they try to remember, to piece together the fragments of their lives, their identities, their lost loves, and to pinpoint the moment they left their former lives behind.

Deftly playing with genres from essay to poetry, Oneiron is an astonishing work that explores the question of what follows death and delves deep into the lives and experiences of seven unforgettable women.”



Children of the Cave by Virve Sammalkorpi, translated by Emily Jeremiah and Fleur Jeremiah (Peirene, 2019).

“Greek legends, fables and fairy tales all share an interest in mythical beings. In this book Sammalkorpi imagines what would happen if these creatures really existed. How would we respond? The answer to this question matters hugely. It determines what it means to be human.”






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