Category Archives: spotlight

Icelandic SFT: Yrsa Sigurdardottir

  I Remember You: A Ghost Story, translated by Philip Roughton (Minotaur Books, 2012). “In this terrifying tale, three friends set to work renovating a rundown house in a remote, totally isolated location. But they soon realize they are not as alone as they thought. Something wants them to leave. Meanwhile, in a nearby town,

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Finnish SFT: Short Fiction

“The Biological Truth” by Veikko Rekunen, translated by ? (Terra SF II, 1983). “The Pearl” by Jyrki Vainonen, translated by Hildi Hawkins (Books from Finland, 1999). “The Light Ones” by Mari Saario, translated by Liisa Rantalaiho (Creatures of Glass and Light, 2007). “Wagtail” by Marketta Niemelä, translated by Liisa Rantalaiho (Usva International, 2010). “My Creator,

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Finnish SFT: Anthologies

The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy, edited by Johanna Sinisalo, translated by David Hackston (Dedalus Limited, 2006). “Since Finnish Literature itself is scarcely 150 years old, a worthwhile collection of Finnish literary fantasy might seem rather optimistic. But Johanna Sinisalo defines her anthology’s terms broadly, and the result is intriguing and eye-opening. Among the short

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Finnish SFT: Vainonen, Lindstedt, Sammelkorpi

The Explorer and Other Stories by Jyrki Vainonen, translated by Juha Tupasela, Anna Volmari, and Hildi Hawkins (Cheeky Frawg Books, 2013). stories included: “The Explorer” (also included in The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy) “Blueberries” (also included in The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy) “The Aquarium” “The Pearl” “The Garden” (also included in It Came

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Finnish SFT: Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen

  NOVELS The Rabbit Back Literature Society, translated by Lola M. Rogers (Thomas Dunne Books, 2015). “A highly contagious book virus, a literary society and a Snow Queen-like disappearing author. ‘She came to realise that under one reality there’s always another. And another one under that.’ Only very special people are chosen by children’s author

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Finnish SFT: Risto Isomäki

    The Sands of Sarasvati (2005) by Risto Isomäki, translated by Owen F. Witesman (Into Publishing, 2013). “Indian scientists discover a vast stretch of underwater ruins at the West Coast of India. Have they found Atlantis, the fabled sunken continent? Marine archaeologist Amrita Desai and Russian submarine expert Sergei Savelnikov investigate the underwater ruins,

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Finnish SFT: Johanna Sinisalo

  Johanna Sinisalo is an internationally-known, award-winning Finnish author of science fiction and fantasy. She has also edited and co-edited anthologies of Finnish SFT. Possibly the most well-known Finnish speculative author in English, Sinisalo has been called the “Queen of Finnish Weird” because of how she translates her deep interest in plants, folk tales, and

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Finnish SFT: Leena Krohn

  Leena Krohn is an award-winning Finnish author (including the Finlandia Prize for literature in 1992) of science fiction and fantasy. Her numerous books and stories—written both for children and adults—explore questions of reality and illusion, artificial intelligence, and the power of the natural world. Profile in The New Yorker     NOVELS/COLLECTIONS Datura, or

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