“To Fly Like a Fallen Angel” by Qi Yue, translated from the Chinese by Elizabeth Hanlon (Clarkesworld Magazine, July 1)
“Render Unto Caesar” by Eduardo Vaquerizo, translated from the Spanish by Rich Larson (Analog SF, July/August)
“All Clear” by Hao He, translated from the Chinese by R. Orion Martin (Apex Magazine, July)
The Great Escape From Fairyland or The Witch, the Prince, the Girl and the Dragon by Viktoria Faust, translated from the Croatian by the author (The Fantasist, July)
Songs for the Cold of Heart by Eric Dupont, translated from the French by Peter McCambridge (QC Fiction, July 1)
Condomnauts by Yoss, translated from the Spanish by David Frye (Restless Books, July 10)
Steampunk International, ed. Ian Whates, various translators (Newcon Press, July 17)
Alphaland by Cristina Jurado, translated from the Spanish by James Womack (Nevsky Books, July 18)
Blood Cruise by Mats Strandberg, translated from the Swedish by Agnes Broome (Jo Fletcher, July 12)
Rachel Cordasco reviews Vestiges (QuanTika Book I) on Strange Horizons
James Nicoll reviews Vestiges on his site
Sean Guynes-Vishniac reviews Condomnauts in World Literature Today
John Self reviews The Last Children of Tokyo (The Emissary in the US) in the Guardian
Tony Malone reviews Songs for the Cold of Heart on Tony’s Reading List