Category Archives: spotlight

Romanian SFT: Review of TWELVE: A Romanian Science-Fiction Anthology

selected and introduced by Cornel Robu Sedona Publishing House (Timişoara, Romania) 1995 more information about the anthology here     Stories included (in order of original Romanian publication): “Igor’s Mannequin” (1938) by Victor Papilian, tr by Virgil Stanciu “Tristan’s Last Avatar”/ “The Last Avatar of Tristan the Old” (1966) by Vladimir Colin, tr by Mihaela

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Polish SFT: Stefan Grabiński

STEFAN GRABÍNSKI (1887-1936) “a Polish writer of horror fiction who considered himself an expert on demonology and magic. Some critics have called him the ‘Polish Poe’ or the ‘Polish Lovecraft,’ and suggested he believed in the supernatural forces in his stories.” – from Weird Fiction Review   Biography on     ESSAYS ON GRABINSKI’S WORKS

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Polish SFT: Dukaj, Huberath, Jasieński, Milosz

JACEK DUKAJ The Old Axolotl: Hardware Dreams, translated by Stanley Bill (Allegro, 2015). “The Old Axolotl is an exhilarating post-apocalyptic tale about a world in which a cosmic catastrophe has sterilized the Earth of all living things. Only a small number of humans have managed to copy digitalized versions of their minds onto hardware in

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Polish SFT: Stanisław Lem

STANISLAW LEM (1921-2006) “Stanisław Lem, the Polish novelist, futurologist, literary theorist, satirist, and philosophical gadfly, tried mightily to free his work from the shackles of the present. In dozens of novels, short stories, essays, metaliterary experiments, and futurological treatises, he attempted to imagine everything from a living ocean that could read human minds (Solaris) to

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