“Master Zhao: The Tale of an Ordinary Time Traveler” by Zhang Ran, translated from the Chinese by Andy Dudak (Clarkesworld Magazine, December 1)
“Us and Them” by Swylmar dos Santos Ferreira, translated from the Portuguese by Toshiya Kamei (Aphelion, December)
“Fluxless” by Mike Jansen, translated from the Dutch by the author (Samovar, December 3)
“The Price of Eternity” by Laura Quijano Vincenzi, translated from the Spanish by Jerry L. Robinette (Samovar, December 3)
“Paper Men” by Denis Álvarez Betancourt, translated from the Spanish by Toshiya Kamei (Unfit, December 12)
“The Emperor of Death” by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko, translated from the Russian by Julia Meitov Hersey (Future Science Fiction Digest, December) (available online 1/2/19)
“The Substance of Ideas” by Clelia Farris, translated from the Italian by Rachel Cordasco (Future Science Fiction Digest, December) (available online 1/23/19)
“Wordfall” by Liang Ling, translated from the Chinese by ? (Future Science Fiction Digest, December) (available online 2/20/19)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Volume 8: Desolation by Yoshiki Tanaka, translated from the Japanese by Matt Treyvaud (Haikasoru, December 18)
Funestine and Other Adventures in Romancia, edited and translated by Brian Stableford (Black Coat Press, December 1)
The Queen of the Fays and Other Marvelous Tales, edited and translated by Brian Stableford (Black Coat Press, December 1)