Tag Archives: France

Out This Month: June

“The Reflection of Sand” by Tan Gang, translated from the Chinese by Emily Jin (Clarkesworld, June 1) Wafers by Ha Seong-nan, translated from the Korean by Janet Hong (Open Letter, June 4) This 2006 collection of short stories is in line with the unsettling, engrossing style of Ha’s other two collections that have been translated

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Out This Month: October

“De Profundis, a Space Love Letter” by Bella Han, translated from the Chinese by the author (Clarkesworld, October 1). Godzilla and Godzilla Raids Again by Shigeru Kayama, translated from the Japanese by Jeffrey Angles (University of Minnesota Press, October 3). The first English translations of the original novellas about the iconic kaijū Godzilla. On the

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Out This Month: September

SHORT STORIES “The People from the Dead Whale” by Djuna, translated from the Korean by Jihyun Park and Gord Sellar (Clarkesworld, September 1). NOVELS The Court of Shadows by Victor Dixen, translated from the French by Françoise Bui (Amazon Crossing, September 19). A fiery heroine seeks vengeance against a royal court of deadly vampires in

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Review: The Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq

translated by Frank Wynne original publication (in French): 1998 first English edition: 2000 grab a copy here or through your local independent bookstore or library “This book is dedicated to mankind.” Thus ends Michel Houellebecq’s strange novel The Elementary Particles, a story about, among other things, half-brothers, France, molecular biology, sex, and morality. Translated beautifully

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Daniel’s Reviews: The Impersonal Adventure by Marcel Béalu

Daniel Haeusser is a microbiologist and an Associate Professor. He reads broadly in English and French, and his book review blog can be found at Reading1000Lives. He also contributes reviews to Skiffy & Fanty, Fantasy Book Critic, Strange Horizons, and World Literature Today. You can also connect with his reviews and book celebration on Goodreads, Twitter, Bluesky, or Facebook. Wakefield Press continues their noble

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Review: The Agents by Grégoire Courtois

I recently reviewed The Agents by Grégoire Courtois, translated from the French by Rhonda Mullins, for Strange Horizons. Here’s an excerpt from the review: This question, coming near the end of the French surrealistic science fiction novel, The Agents, encapsulates the entire two-hundred-plus-page journey that is this strange, hypnotic text. While its implications and lessons

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Review: Mirrors of the Sun by Pierre Boulle

This is part of a series on French author Pierre Boulle. Flammarion, 1982 translated by Patricia Wolf Vanguard Press, 1986 183 pages     The novel’s original title, Miroitements, means “shimmer,” which better reflects (pun intended) the core of this story: that something bright and shiny may actually be a dangerous distraction. As in The

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