Tag Archives: German

Out This Month: June

“The Reflection of Sand” by Tan Gang, translated from the Chinese by Emily Jin (Clarkesworld, June 1) Wafers by Ha Seong-nan, translated from the Korean by Janet Hong (Open Letter, June 4) This 2006 collection of short stories is in line with the unsettling, engrossing style of Ha’s other two collections that have been translated

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Out This Month: April

SHORT STORIES     “Commencement Address” by Arthur Liu, translated from the Chinese by Stella Jiayue Zhu (Clarkesworld, April 1)         NOVELS   At the Edge of the Woods by Masatsugu Ono, translated from the Japanese by Juliet Winters Carpenter (Two Lines Press, April 12) In an unnamed foreign country, a family

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I reviewed the wonderful anthology Elemental for Strange Horizons. Here’s an excerpt from the review: Elemental—with stories translated from the Hebrew, Norwegian, Persian, Japanese, Kurdish, German, French, and Polish—is a lovely and sometimes disturbing exploration of the intersection of humanity and nature. This book, according to Two Lines, asks, “How can we understand our complex,

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Out This Month: June

SHORT STORIES “Embracing the Movement” by Cristina Jurado, translated from the Spanish by Sue Burke (Clarkesworld, June 1) “Face Changing” by Jiang Bo, translated from the Chinese by Andy Dudak (Clarkesworld, June 1)       “The Chartreuse Sky” by K.A. Teryna and Alexander Bachilo, translated from the Russian by Alex Shvartsman (Asimov’s, May/June)  

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Out This Month: April

SHORT STORIES “Catching the K Beast” by Chen Qian, translated from the Chinese by Carmen Yiling Yan (Clarkesworld, April 1).           “The Hat Stand” by Diaa Jubaili, translated from the Arabic by Chip Rossetti (World Literature Today, Spring 2021).         “The Final Test” by Ti Sha, translated from

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Out This Month: March

SHORT STORIES “The Orbiting Guan Erye” by Wang Zhenzhen, translated from the Chinese by Carmen Yiling Yan (Clarkesworld, March 1).           “The Second Celeste” by Alberto Chimal, translated from the Spanish by Patrick Weill (Future Science Fiction Digest, March 15) “The Two Festivals that Cannot Coexist” by Liu Cixin, translated from

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Out This Month: January

SHORT STORIES “Chronotope” by Raul Ciannella, translated from the Italian by Rachel Cordasco (Ab Terra 2020, January 26). A small team enslaved to data entry roles by an AI system manages to break out by combining their “alienating habits,” which allow them to work at super-fast speeds.         NOVELS The Route of

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Penguin Science Fiction Series

The new Penguin Science Fiction Series (which highlights classics of the genre) includes several works of SF in Translation: check it out here.     Trafalgar by Angélica Gorodischer, translated from the Spanish (Argentina) by Amalia Gladhart (6/8/2020)           We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, translated from the Russian by Clarence Brown (6/8/2020)

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Out This Month: June

SHORT STORIES “Cousin Entropy” by Michèle Laframboise, translated from the French by N. R. M. Roshak (Future Science Fiction Digest, June 15).           “The Fastener” by Natsumi Tanaka, translated from the Japanese by Toshiya Kamei (Daily Science Fiction, June).         “Zoo Syndrome” by Sadaa al-Daas, translated from the

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Out This Month: January

SHORT STORIES “The Perfect Sail” by I-Hyeong Yun, translated from the Korean by Elisa Sinn and Justin Howe (Clarkesworld Magazine, January 1). “The Ancestral Temple in a Box” by Chen Qiufan, translated from the Chinese by Emily Jin (Clarkesworld Magazine, January 1).         “The Other Woman” by Bibiana Camacho, translated from the Spanish by

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