Category Archives: review

Review: Moon Scars by Ángel Luis Sucasas

translated by James Womack Nevsky Books March 1, 2017 139 pages grab a copy It’s not often that you’ll find four entirely different worlds inhabiting a single, slender book. But that’s exactly what’s going on in Moon Scars, a collection of stories by the award-winning Spanish author Ángel Luis Sucasas. Werewolves, technologically-sophisticated toys, magical underwater

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Review: Frontier by Can Xue

translated by Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping Open Letter Books March 14, 2017 470 pages   In a surreal/unreal place called “Pebble Town” live men, women, and children for whom such concepts as time and geographical location seem meaningless.  “Frontier”, then, is quite the appropriate title, given that this particular word conjures up images of

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Review: The Cathedral of Mist by Paul Willems

 translated by Edward Gauvin Wakefield Press July 5, 2016 112 pages   In this collection of surreal, exquisitely-composed and expertly-translated stories, Belgian fantasist Paul Willems (1912-1997) offers us a multitude of dreamscapes both as delicate as gossamer and tangible as a mountain. Cathedrals made of mist, palaces of emptiness, dreams that melt into reality: you’ll

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Review: Legend of the Galactic Heroes Volume 2: Ambition by Yoshiki Tanaka

translated by Daniel Huddleston Haikasoru July 19, 2016 288 pages   It had been a while since I’d read the first novel of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes series, but thanks to Tanaka’s no-frills, warp-speed style and Huddleston’s smooth translation, I had no trouble jumping right back in. And like Volume 1, Volume 2:

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