Category Archives: spotlight

Clelia Farris’s Creative Surgery

    Award-winning Italian author Clelia Farris’s collection, Creative Surgery (translated from the Italian by myself and Jennifer Delare) came out a few months ago from Rosarium Publishing and is getting some much-deserved attention (I know, I’m biased! But really, her work is fantastic). Here are links to four reviews:     Publishers Weekly starred

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Romanian SFT: Mircea Eliade

Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) Eliade was a historian of (comparative) religion and the author of some of the most important works in the field. He studied at the University of Calcutta from 1928-1931, and from 1956-1986, Eliade was Professor of the History of Religion at the University of Chicago. Considered a “mainstream” writer who wrote science

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Romanian SFT: Collections (Colin, Coman, Săsărman, Teodorescu, Purluca)

  Legends from Vamland by Vladimir Colin, translated/edited by Luiza Carol (Center for Romanian Studies, 2001). “Legends from Vamland is a beautiful story about the human struggle with fear. In telling his tale, the author blends together Romanian legends and myths with those of cultures from around the world. …The work is intended as one

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Romanian SFT: Anthologies (Part IV)

Galaxy 42: Collected Stories, eds. Daniel Timariu and Cristian Vicol (Galaxy 42 Magazine, 2020). “Love According to ‘Ticks’” by Danut Ungureanu “God of Tears” by Milos Dumbraci “The Fifth Season” by Teodora Matei “The Ritual” by Cristian Vicol “The Source Code of Humanity” by Boris Velimirovici “Bug” by Alex Lamba “Bodies to Let” by Daniel

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Romanian SFT: Anthologies (Part III)

  The Phantom Church and Other Stories from Romania, edited by Georgiana Farnoaga (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997). “The escape into the realm of fantasy revived an old literary genre, the fantastic tale, favored by a Romanian literature rooted in the magic and myth of folklore. In the superreality it created, political satire, protest, and

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Romanian SFT: Anthologies (Part II)

Romanian Fantastic Tales, ed. uncredited, translated by Ana Cartianu (Minerva Publishing House, 1981). “Archaeus” by Mihai Eminescu “Ioan Vestimie” by Mihai Eminescu “Minjoala’s Inn” by Ion Luca Caragiale “Hen Coops” by Alexandru Macedonski “Califar’s Mill” by Gala Galaction “Spell-bound” by Vasile Voiculescu “Amin, the Fisherman” by Vasile Voiculescu “The Salmon-trout” by Vasile Voiculescu “The Recluse”

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